What is Visualization?

Visualization, which refers to the process of creating mental images by using your imagination, is one of the most powerful tools in manifesting what you want. Visualization techniques are not only used in the area of spirituality and personal development. They are also used by athletes and others who feel they need an edge to perform at their best.

The law of attraction states that like attracts like. Visualization can be used to attract into your life what you want, or to manifest it. The law of attraction is the natural process by which we are constantly sending out our thoughts and feelings to the Universe and prompting it to give us back what we emit.

The Law of Attraction is a powerful element in the world of personal development as your thoughts and feelings work in concert to influence your reality. When you think positively about what you want in life, it’s more likely to come true.

When you think of something that you want with positive emotions, the manifestation process has already begun. This means that you have already started the desired object, person, or situation to begin making its way to you. Visualizing is a way to enhance or even speed up this process.

Why Visualize?

Visualization techniques are useful for many reasons. One of the most important is that it allows you to focus on what you want rather than what you don’t want.

Visualization techniques are a powerful way to set your intentions. With visualization, you’re able to see the end result of your desires and concentrate on that goal with all of your might.

When we visualize something in our mind, we are actually using the same neural pathways in the brain that allow us to see what’s in front of us. This can be used to help people take steps towards achieving their goals by visualizing themselves having what they want before it even happens.

Visualization techniques have been around for centuries, and are still practiced today by people all over the world. Whether it’s to manifest dreams or achieve goals, visualization is one of the most powerful ways to motivate yourself. Following are visualization techniques to help you manifest your dreams.

Write Down Exactly What You Want

There are many benefits to writing your dreams down. Writing them down can help you to visualize them. It can also help you keep track of the smaller details you might often forget about. If you want to feel less stressed, it is important to write down what you are feeling. This will allow you to go back and read what was bothering you. Once you acknowledge this feeling, you can reverse it and put more focus on what you really want and all of the feelings and sensations that come with its attainment.

Furthermore, if you can see it, you can create it. That is a key principle in the law of attraction. Visualization techniques are not just for artists and athletes anymore, they are now used by entrepreneurs to generate ideas and manifest their desires. A study conducted on this topic found that people who use visualization techniques achieve their goals more often than those who don’t.

Do Visual Meditations

Visual meditations are a great way to relax. The best part about these meditation is that it can be done anywhere because all you need for this type of meditation is your imagination. When you close your eyes and focus on a specific image, a feeling, or a word, you can completely tune out the outside world and tune into yourself. There are many resources available to help you find an image, feeling, or word that will suit your needs. For example; you can use Google Images, Pinterest, or Instagram to quickly find an image that you like.

There are many different types of visual meditations. For example, you can close your eyes and picture a beautiful scene or place. Or, you can simply focus on your breathing. You can practice this meditation anywhere, anytime. All you need is an open mind and the willingness to relax.

When you engage in a visual meditation, try not to worry about what you’re picturing. Just visualize whatever you would like. Also, don’t criticize what you imagine. Try to just focus on the imagery and relax into it. Try different techniques like imagining yourself in a favorite place, looking at your hands, or feeling the sensation of your feet on the ground.

It takes practice in order for your desired images and settings to become crystal clear in your mind. But like any muscle you wish to strengthen, it will get stronger over time. So don’t give up too soon. Remember, if you can get good at seeing your desires clearly in your mind and feeling all the sensations that come with them, it will soon become a reality for you.

Create Vision Boards

We all know the benefits of goal-setting and visualization, and a vision board is a great way to combine those elements.  A vision board is simply a collection of images and words that inspire you. Creating this physical representation of your goals can help you clear your mind and visualize your desired future.

Vision boards are especially helpful during hard times, as studies show that visualizing something as if it already happened can actually help make it happen. Vision boards were originally used by therapists and counselors to help people work through emotional problems. Today, vision boards are one of the most popular self-help practices used by  individuals and groups.

The power of the boards is that they are very visual. Seeing your dreams on paper or displayed on a screen can be very encouraging, and may inspire you to keep working towards them. Seeing your progress can help you set future goals, and may give you the confidence to try something new. All of the above will energetically help to move your chosen desire closer to you.

Create Vision Vids

What is a “Vision Vid”? Popularly called Mind Movies, vision vids are short videos that are designed to show visuals of what you want to manifest. They can be anywhere from 30 seconds to 5 minutes or more. They are a powerful visualization technique as they include music, text, and even voice overs that affirm your deepest desires.

You can create videos like these using tools like Invideo, Powtoons, as well as countless other video creators and editors. If you are not technically savvy, it is very efficient and inexpensive to hire a freelancer to create a vision vid that matches your specs. Freelancers are easily found on sites like Upwork or Fiverr.

Whatever method you choose to get it done, please know that it is very powerful to see visuals flashed on the screen in repetition while hearing music that gets you pumped up. Further, it is quite the experience when you can record your own voice affirming that what you see on the screen is already yours and you are excited and very grateful to have received it.

Retrain Your Brain to Visualize

Your brain is hardwired for vision. So if your visualization is negative, it will manifest into reality. Instead, visualize exactly what you want to see.  If you want a big house, see yourself walking in the front door. If you want financial independence, visualize how it feels to be debt free.

To do the above effectively begins with quiet meditation and observing any negative thoughts that produce negative emotions like anxiety, fear, sadness, or anger. These feelings will hinder the ability to feel positive emotions and deeply focus on your desired manifestation.

When you detect these emotions while meditating, you should take note of the thoughts that cause them. You must then consciously replace those thoughts with the happier more positive thoughts of your chosen desires. Once you have these thoughts in place you should focus all of your attention on them.

You will become very excited and enthusiastic by default as you meditate on your desired outcome. This exercise will get easier over time and the negative feelings will be replaced. Soon your desires will manifest right in front of you.

Obviously, there are other visualization techniques available. Nevertheless, the ones I shared are generally effective and any can be used successfully. Select the method or combined methods that best fit your needs and you will experience the closest thing to miracles under the sun.

Will you give the above visualization techniques a try?  Are you already doing so and getting results?  Maybe not getting results?  Let me know in the comments.  🙂

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