The 7 Fs of Life are...

Family, Friends, Finance, Faith, Firm, Fun, and Fitness. These seven concepts can help you live your life to the fullest. They are said to be the main elements that our lives revolve around so setting goals in each can be an excellent foundation in building a more abundant life.

The idea behind the 7 Fs of Life is that you can achieve your goals and live a happy, fulfilling life if you focus on these seven areas. If we take a constructive look at each F and consider setting goals while living abundantly throughout, our path becomes clear and a more abundant life is our reward. The 7 Fs of life will help you think about your goals and use your energy wisely.


The idea of a happy family is one of the most desired and cherished goals. But what is the key to achieving this goal?

Achieving a happy family starts with setting positive goals and then working hard to achieve them. One vital aspect is good communication. Communication can be as simple as making time for each other, listening, sharing your thoughts and feelings, and giving unconditional love and support (to all members of the family).

The next key ingredient to a happy family is quality time. Quality time means dedicating special times where you can relax or do something fun together. This could be having weekly movie nights, weekend trips together, or taking little moments here and there for just you and your children. One way you could spend quality time together with the whole family would be some dedicated family time at home.


We can be friends with anyone, if our goal is to find friends. Friends are people who are always available to you when you need them, they are people who support you in your goals and dreams. If we focus on friendship goals, then it becomes easier for us to make friendships happen.

Relationships are more complex goals compared to friendships, however there is no reason that they can’t also be abundant life goals. All relationships require effort but there is no reason why the process of having an enriching relationship should not offer abundant life rewards for all involved.

Relationship goals can also be seen as means to achieve an abundant life. The more you invest your time and energy into your relationships, the better you will feel about yourself and your life. You will find that you have more time for yourself because you won’t need to invest so much of it into maintaining your friendships or relationships with others.

A friendship is not just a relationship where people hang out and have fun together. It is also about being there through thick and thin, during our most difficult moments in life. A friend is someone who cares for us when we need them the most, not just when it’s convenient. Friendships are an investment that pays off in happiness and success. Ultimately, we want friends who will take good care of us as well as those we take care of.


An abundant life is about creating a life of abundance, not just in money but in every area. There are many ways to have an abundant life. They include being debt free, being in a fulfilling relationship, having a fulfilling career, and being the best parent you can be, among other things.

Achieving financial goals can help us live more abundantly in other areas of our lives because it frees up time and energy to focus on other things. However, if your goal is not to make more money but to be debt-free or lead a fulfilled life with less stress or something else entirely, then it may be more difficult to achieve this goal through earning more money alone.

With that said, being financially fit is a big part of living an abundant life. It doesn’t mean that you have to be rich, but instead, the term “abundant life” means that you can live a healthy and happy lifestyle with just the resources that you have.

You can set things in motion to be on track to clean up any current negative financial issues and ultimately become financially independent. Knowing that you are on track to do either of the above greatly relieves any stress in the matter and gives you more room for more of your energies, spiritual and otherwise, to be directed toward an abundant life.


Faith goals are a way of living life with the belief that everything will turn out for the best. Basically, it is a way of looking at life and believing that everything will turn out the way it should be. They help people to live with purpose and without fear. We can also say they are a way of looking at life with the perspective that everything will happen the way it was meant to. In other words, each day is an opportunity for something new and amazing to occur.

Studies have shown that when people set and achieve faith goals, they not only feel better about themselves, but also feel better about life in general. It also helps them achieve better work performance, better relationships, better health, and a better overall sense of well-being.

There are plenty of faith goal examples one can find. For example, the faith goal of gratitude is to be able to see and appreciate all that we have.

Faith goals provide a framework for achieving true happiness and abundance in life. They provide a clear path that we can follow, with specific actions we need to take, in order to achieve them.


When referencing the 7 Fs, “Firm” represents your career or business, meaning “your firm”. To have success or satisfaction in your career is part of an abundant life. The first step is setting goals for yourself.  This way, you have a clear idea of where you are going with your work and what needs to be done in order to get there.

Another important thing is having an abundant mindset- which means understanding that things will always go wrong but it’s how you view those things that matter most. It’s difficult to keep a positive mindset when things are going wrong or not as planned. However, it is important to be proactive and change your perspective.

Approaching everyday life with this mindset will enable you to experience abundance throughout your career journey. In this way, you never lose sight of the goal by being distracted or thrown off track by the ebbs and flows along the way.


There are a lot of things that we need to do before we die. We have college degrees, jobs, dreams and aspirations that we need to accomplish. But why not take a break for a little bit and focus on the fun stuff?

Everyone has heard about bucket lists, but not everyone knows what they are. Bucket lists are a list of goals that you want to accomplish in your lifetime. They can be big or small, and they can be either practical or spiritual. And it is important to note that these goals can also be fun goals or entertainment goals.

Some people believe that the purpose of life is to achieve materialistic things like money, fame, success etc., while others believe that the purpose of life is to experience happiness and enjoy what you have now. In either case, fun goals are objectives that a person sets to achieve for their own enjoyment and self-fulfillment.

The power of the human mind is like a muscle and it needs to be exercised in order for it to grow stronger. If someone trains their mind to think negatively all the time, they will find themselves struggling with self-doubt and insecurity on a daily basis.

This is why setting fun goals is so important. When we set fun goals that are not too difficult or out of reach, we are working towards building our minds up instead of breaking them down. If you wish to live an abundant life, setting fun goals can be the catalyst for change!


Setting fitness goals for an abundant life is more than just physical health, it’s about the mental and spiritual well-being of your soul. There are many ways to approach fitness. Setting a goal allows you to measure your progress with milestones. It creates an achievable path with achievable milestones that can help you feel great about yourself.

What can be accomplished by making the decision for healthy living? A healthy body, a healthy mind, and a healthy spirit.

Keep in mind that to be abundant, one must first have something to give to others. There are many people who lack basic needs, and without these needs being met, there can’t be true abundance.

In today’s world, people are always looking for ways to improve their lifestyles. Because time seems to be a scarce resource, many have begun to view exercise as a chore. However, if done correctly, it can be a healthy and effective way to trim away fat, socialize, and feel powerful.

Several studies have shown that people who are physically active are happier and less stressed than those who are not. They also improve their mood by reducing symptoms of anxiety or depression.


Naturally, there aren’t guarantees in implementing the 7 Fs framework into your life. But generally speaking, if you study and follow these tactics with the correct spirit and stay focused on each goal as time passes, the likelihood of experiencing an abundant life is much higher.

Will you start implementing the above in you own life?  Do you think the 7 Fs are a good way to start to attract more abundance in your life?  Let me know in the comments.

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