What is the Law of Attraction?

You need to be thinking the right way in order to give the Law of Attraction real power in your life.  So firstly, what is the Law of Attraction?  

A few basic answers are that whatever you think about tends to “show up” in your life.  Or, your life is a result of your most frequent thoughts.  Or What you think about, you bring about.  

This may sound crazy the first time you learn of this.  You will probably think, hey, I didn’t think I would have that heated argument with my girl.  Or I didn’t think I would get that flat tire on my way to work and then be late again for the fifth time.

Well, the above things were probably on your mind but you were thinking to yourself how much you didn’t want those things to happen.  And that is exactly how it works!

You were focused, even unconsciously, on how you really hate having car trouble and how you know you better get to work on time from now on or you’ll get fired.  Further, you were somewhere in your thoughts, pondering how much you hated the last argument you had with your girl, how you felt, and how you would never want to do that again.

You can change the cycle of negative events.

By thinking of the above with the feeling of avoidance, you caused them to appear in your life.  The more you think of avoiding certain things, the more they will continue to show up; over and over and over again.  Believe it or not.

This is why, if you have an open mind you can change the cycle of negative events by reprogramming your thinking.  What does this mean?

An example would be to begin to think about how you are always on time or even early for work and how you and your girl are always having loving and peaceful experiences together.  Further, envision how you are really grateful that you have a car and are really excited about the new car you will have soon.

Further still, go to some car lots or online and start looking for a car that you want and start making moves as if you are about to get a new car.  Seriously, start looking up things like the price of registration and insurance and any accessories you would add to it like stereo systems, rims, and so on.  Do this even if you don’t have the means to get it.  Do it as if you are going to get it within the next few weeks.  Do it as if you already have the cash to get it.  

I only use the above as an example but you can do this exercise with anything.  If you do this enough times per day or week consistently, I guarantee these things will “show up” in your life.  They will show up as experiences or objects.

Monitor Your Thinking.

So, to manifest something with the Law of Attraction, you need to first monitor your thinking so you can notice when you are thinking of negative things you want to avoid.  Then, you need to swap those thoughts out for the opposite positive thoughts as described. 

This doesn’t happen immediately.  It takes effort but not that much effort.  I mean, how hard is it to focus or ponder on the things that you really want?  The things that get you excited.  It doesn’t take much effort but it takes just a little more to make sure you do it much more often.

Write down or type down in your phone whatever it is you want.  Whether it be an object or a situation.  Then make sure you read it, typically out loud a few or several times a day.  And let yourself get excited about it every time.  Act like you have whatever it is right now.  Envision it.  See it.

And that’s that. 

As you are doing this, pay attention in your day to day for ways these things can happen realistically.  For example; the car you want may show up in your life at a super deep discount or even a prize in a contest.  And Presto! There it is.

And that’s that.  So, what do you want and when will you begin changing your thinking to reprogram your mind for the Law of Attraction to take positive effect? 

Start big or start small, but whatever you do, start now.  Start right now.

Did you find the above information useful?  Will you start doing it in your life?  Let me know in the comments.  

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