Emotions are indicators of our innermost thoughts and feelings, and they influence the way we feel. But since our emotions are often out of our control, we often have difficulty understanding how our emotions can affect our lives. 

Have you ever wondered why some people are so happy all the time, while others seem constantly sad, angry, and depressed? What about those people who seem to be on cloud nine 24/7? What is going on inside their heads that makes them so different from all the rest of us?

You are a complex person, different from everyone else. That is why we will sometimes find it hard to make a decision. That is why we can often feel that we are being controlled and that our emotions are taking control of our lives. Our emotions are the reason why we experience many problems in our life. How can we change that? By changing the way we think about our emotions, we can change and even control them.

Consider that emotions are charged energy.  We learn to assign the level and flavor of the charge as we grow.  When we were in certain situations while growing up we subtly created emotional responses to different thoughts and situations.  We did this until those responses became automatic reactions and this is why people can become “triggered” simply by certain thoughts.

However, once you are able to recognize and acknowledge the above, you can begin to change the automatic process and create a new and more favorable response to the same stimuli.  Doing so will create more pleasant outcomes and seed the perfect atmosphere to attract positive manifestations in your life.  The following is a step by step method to control your emotions.

Be Still, What Emotion are You Feeling?

When you find yourself overcome with a particular negative emotion like anger, depression, fear, or anxiety, try and still your mind. The way to still your mind is to simply breath deeply and slowly. Focus all of your attention on your breathing.

Focus on your lungs filling with air and then letting the air out slowly. This may take a few minutes but do it consistently and you will soon begin to calm down or at least not feel the emotion as intensely.

Once you reach a more calm and neutral state, ask yourself what emotion you were feeling. It is important to identify the emotion because in the future you will know it and take the same measures to reduce and change it. With practice you will feel it coming and act accordingly.

Acknowledge Emotion

Now that you know what emotion it is, it’s important to acknowledge it and accept that it is real and also completely okay to experience. Emotions are a natural response to the world around us, and each one is a reflection of how we see the world. No matter what emotion you are feeling, understanding them can help you connect more with your feelings and yourself.

Analyze, Why do I feel like this?

Next, ask yourself why do I feel like this? It may be obvious on the surface but what you are really asking is why did the particular event or events cause you to feel this way? As stated earlier, we have slowly taught ourselves to react a certain way to different thoughts and events. Knowing this will empower you to make the needed changes for your own benefit. At this point you realize that you have only programmed yourself through unconscious thought habits to “feel” the way you do.

Affirm You that You Control Your Mind

This could be a breakthrough moment for many people. When you understand that you are not being forced by anyone to react or respond in an undesirable way or feel an undesirable feeling, a new world of possibilities opens up. Now you know that you are the sole proprietor of your thoughts and controller of your mind. Affirm it. Tell yourself that “I am in control of my mind and I decide what I feel.”

See Yourself in the Third Person

In the same way that you are simply observing how you feel and why, you can take a further step and imagine yourself from the third person. Imagine seeing yourself from another person’s perspective. Look at yourself as if you were observing someone else’s life or experience and then consider what the person you are viewing should do. This is an exercise to emotionally separate yourself from the situation and then offer a more sensible course of action. This can be a powerful exercise as it is common for us to see other people’s situations and have suggestions to what they should do. This way, you do it for yourself.

Choose What Happens Now

It is known that most solutions come to us when we are in a calm or pleasant state of mind. It is in this state that we become inspired and our intuition kicks in. If you are able to direct yourself successfully from intensely negative emotional states into more pleasant ones, you will reach solutions more readily and produce a constant atmosphere for positive manifestations.

When you consciously “choose” what happens now, you override your emotions getting the best of you. Much of the time we like to let our emotions run the show and at times it is a wonderful experience especially when we are engaged in passionate activities in a state of “flow”.

But keep in mind that the latter is possible as well. Like letting your negative emotions run the show. This can lead to any number of bad things like depression, physical violence, disease, and ultimately death.

The key is to meditate and practice observing your different emotional states and nipping the bad ones in the bud before they are allowed to run roughshod in your life. There is a process to doing so but it is worth it as your life improves and you begin to manifest beautiful things that before seemed impossible. Give the above method a try.

Do you think this can work for you? Are there any other methods you know of to control your emotions?

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