We all have mental habits, patterns of thinking and actions that unconsciously steer us toward negative outcomes. This is especially true when it comes to manifestation and abundance. All of us have a tendency to believe that we lack the skills needed to get what we want, and that we are limited in our ability to create the life we desire. In reality, however, we are all in control of our lives and our mental habits can be changed.

While we can’t control the external factors in our lives, we do have a choice about how we interpret them. The choices we make about our thoughts and emotions, no matter how seemingly small, can have a significant impact on the quality of our lives.

There are many ways you can hack your mindset to receive positive manifestations and abundance. Here is how you can do it with a few easy steps.

Be grateful.

If you’re not happy with the way things are going, take a step back and think about all of the good that’s been happening in your life up until this point. You’ll feel better after doing this! Should you not do that or neglect it, you will potentially worsen the situation.

You can start showing gratitude right now. For instance, you can thank people for their help, or compliment people on what they are wearing. When you start showing gratitude, it is amazing how quickly you will notice opportunities for it.


This can be very important because it can have a profound impact on your life. It can help you achieve self-love and focus on the present moment when you are stressed. When you gain even a bit of control of your mind through meditation, the affects nearly snowball; but in a positive way.

You start to respond to adverse situations instead of just reacting. Responding means that you are choosing your behavior in a given situation instead of letting your emotions take over.


This will mean that you will need to slow down and focus once again. It will likewise signify that you are in control of your mind. Being in control of your thoughts is a good thing. Especially when you are directing your thoughts in the direction of your desires.

When you do this, visualization becomes an exciting activity. You can visualize the past, present, and more importantly, the future. Visualizing pleasant events in the past can help you to get practice and develop a more intense ability to visualize more vividly. When you can visualize vividly and with strong emotions attached, positive manifestations will be at hand.

Surround Yourself with Positive People.

This can require a change in your every day routine. You may or may not be surrounding yourself with positive like minded people. There are people literally everywhere. Don’t let the pandemic stop you from interacting with positive like minded people.

There are tons of online communities where you can hold conversations and gather inspiration to keep your mind on a positive high vibrating path. You can find active communities on websites like Reddit.com, Twitter.com, and of course Facebook.com

Take Action.

One of the important points to keep in mind here is to physically go after your desired manifestations. The reason why this will be significant is that there are proven processes to make manifestations occur. An important step in the process is to physically show your subconscious mind that you are already or at least preparing to receive your desire.

For example, if you are wanting to manifest an unbelievable weekend getaway but have limited funds to do so, you should still be going about your days as you are going to take this trip. You should be looking online at locations and setting dates on your calendar for when you would like to travel. Doing so will also get you excited and the feeling of excitement is what your subconscious mind responds to.

This is an incredible mind hack that will leave you in awe of how you were able to accomplish such a goal with limited resources. It is not magic. It is simply the universal law of attraction at work.


Learn to manifest more of what you want in life by reading. Studies show that people who read more often are less likely to experience negative emotions, and tend to have better health. Reading is also known for its ability to improve memory, critical thinking skills, and empathy.

The key is to read for at least ten minutes every day. When you read you are using your ability to focus. Your ability to focus is actually a key component to manifesting. Realize that you are physically using thought energy whenever you focus. This is the same energy that created the universe and everything in it.

You have access to this very potent energy 24 hours a day. So, when you read, make certain that you are using your portion of this potent energy towards something that gets you excited or keeps you in line with your desired manifestations.

Journal Before Bed.

Write in your manifestation journal before bed every night. Your subconscious mind works while you sleep and helps manifest your desires faster. There are no rules to journaling, so you can expound on your feelings about your goals, your progress, and your setbacks. Some people find it helpful to write affirmations in their journal to help them manifest what they want more quickly.

Again, this is a way to hack your mind and get it to continuously focus on what you want opposed to what you don’t. Remember, your focus energy is a real thing with real consequences. Use your power wisely and for the good of all.

In summary, you must take the first step to manifest what you want. It’s important to visualize what you want and to believe you will gain it. Know that it’s in the works, but then focus on the task at hand. Don’t be distracted by thoughts about what you want. Be diligent about the day-to-day actions that are taking you to the place you want to be. The universe will respond to your actions, not your wishes. Of course your actions follow your mind, so keep your mind in check with the above mind hacks.

Are you already using one or more of the above mind hacks?  Are there any you would suggest?

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