Affirmations are powerful tools to use when you want to create change in your life. You can use them to manifest what you want or need, but sometimes it’s not enough. If you want the power of affirmations to work for you, make sure that you actually take action on them as well.

The reason why money affirmations work is because of the law of attraction. Even if you have been struggling with money, you can attract wealth into your life by using these affirmations as a tool.

The following money affirmations are a powerful way to attract more money into your life. They will help you reprogram your subconscious mind and eventually change the way the universe perceives you.

Remember to say these out loud while immersing yourself in the feelings of enthusiasm and overjoy. This is so that your subconscious mind picks up on your vocal vibration and it becomes your reality. Enjoy.

  • I am a Boss with Cash!
  • It is possible for me to get past all of the money-obstacles that prevent my progress.
  • I commit to having more financial freedom.
50 Money Manifs Pic 1
    • It’s easy for me to put in the hard work and be prosperous, which makes me even more successful!

    • The future’s looking prosperous, I deserve it and will receive it!

    • I know that I am worth more money.

    • I consistently find new sources of income.

    • Money is a part of life and comes in both expected and totally surprising ways.

    • I am in tune with money and can attract it to me easily.

    • Money is being attracted to me at this very moment.

    • Money constantly flows into my life, so I am debt-free.

    • Abundance is all around me and I see it everywhere:)

    • I’m always taking on new opportunities and any challenges that come my way.

50 Money Manifesting Affirmations, My Bank Account
      • My bank account balance is seriously on an incline and I’m so grateful for my progress!

      • All the things I need to lead my life are part of me – inside and out.

      • I am now open to receiving money in my life.

      • Such an amazing abundance of money has been flowing into my life and it’s just getting better and better.

      • I earn a lot of cash because I always follow the golden rule in everything I do.

      • I know that I’ll always be well taken care of because the Universe is looking out for me.

      • The beauty of life is that it provides for all.

      • I seem to have plenty of money and I receive it easily.

      • I can easily achieve vast rewards and I don’t lose composure.

      • Money surrounds me. I gladly give to others without pause.

      • I am happy when I spend, receive and save money.

      • I’m feeling really happy because the money I have and spend on myself makes me happy.

      • I am worthy of wealth.

      • It is my right to be rich.

      • It’s appropriate for me to have a lot of money.

      • Money allows me to live life with relative ease and comfort.

50 Money Manifesting Affirmations, I desire Money
        • I desire money which attracts it to me.

        • I have a considerable amount of money.

        • It’s easy and natural for me to be prosperous and successful.

        • Abundance is on its way! I deserve it, and will let myself relax more fully.

        • I can build a complete financial structure.

        • I can offer my skills and reap a financial reward.

        • I am confident I make the right financial decisions.

        • I am always on the lookout for opportunities that will make me money.

        • I have a life of great and tireless vitality.

        • I use my money to change the world for the better.

50 Money Manifesting Affirmations, I use my money
          • I use my money to provide good things for myself and the people I care about.

          • As I travel the path to a secure life, I will not be deterred.

          • By spending responsibly, it is easy to have a lot of fun.


50 Money Manifesting Affirmations, I invest and save
            • I invest, save, and use the right accounts to feel more comfortable about my money.

            • If I manage my money wisely, it can always bring me a little peace of mind.

            • I am always making more money.

            • My wealth is giving me greater opportunities in life.

            • I deserve and expect a lot of money and financial abundance.

            • I want financial success and I say you should too.

            • I accept the fact that I am financially successful at times.

            • I am in charge of my earnings.

In conclusion, I would like to offer some simple ways that you can improve your life with the art of manifestation.

1) Do not be attached to the outcome. Manifesting is about what’s important to you, not how it will benefit someone else.
2) Clear your clutter and stop blaming others for your problems.
3) Be grateful for what you already have. We tend to manifest what we focus on most.

Did you find the affirmations above to be useful? What are your favorites? 

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