The power of positive thinking is not always invincible. Sometimes it can be hard to get through the day when you’re feeling low or exhausted. You may need some inspiration in order to keep moving forward with your goals. Thankfully, there are many inspirational quotes that will help motivate you and keep you going in the right direction. These quotes are perfect for getting through a tough patch, so have a look at these 50 good thoughts for getting through the day.

  • Our wishes are always being listened to. The Universe is always ready for our orders. From now on, just tell the Universe what you want, and see how it will materialize for you in reality.


    Imagination is everything. It’s the first glimpse of what life might be like and what we can achieve.


    Be prepared to get what you want. Ask for it and then do your best!

    • What you think is created. What you feel attracts. And what you imagine becomes the one that seems real.


      By thinking about lots of good things, you are bound to attract more positive thoughts and people into your life.


      What you believe manifests into success; not what you want.


      Expect to receive what you are asking for, and do not worry.


      The things we think about and pay attention to become part of us. Our energy flows in the direction our thoughts travel.


      The more we immerse ourselves in new things, the wider our inner world becomes and the smoother our energy flows.


      Expectations determine what we receive as reality.


      When you think positively, abundance will happen to you.


      If you have been there in the mind, soon your body will be there too.


      We are all composed of thoughts. Therefore, our current state is a direct reflection on the way we have always thought about ourselves since early childhood.

      • Exact expectation dictates the result.


        Your thoughts decide your fate.


        Happiness is not only found at destinations. It can be felt any day of the month, by living life accordingly.


        When you make a decision, visualize and feel the Universe working in your best interests to bring about that decision.


        Destiny is not a matter of chance. It is mated by choice from among available outcomes, which include both pleasant and unpleasant prospects.


        The universe does not exist outside of you. Look inside yourself and realize that everything you want already exists within you.


        There’s no such thing as chance on this planet. It all comes down to human intention. Nothing would ever happen if it wasn’t intentional.


        Changing your life is consistently a possibility due to the fact that you can change how you feel at any moment.


        To accomplish great things, we must not only act and plan but also dream.


        What you attract into your life is in harmony with what’s on your mind.


        Tomorrow, the universe will deliver a huge blessing for you. You’ll have great success on your goals from now on.


        Intentions create realities which are affected by our thoughts.


        It can be tough taking the first step in faith, but it’s important to not get discouraged. Pick the first step and take things one day at a time.


        With a little courage, you will be able to end up with everything that is out there for you. These exact things want and prioritize your happiness even though you have to take the necessary measures in order to get them.


        If you think either that you can do something or cannot, then whatever way of thinking is correct.


        Head confidently in the direction of your dreams. Find a way to envision what you want your life to look like and then make it happen.

        • When you are fully committed with focus to your goal, everyone in the world is jumping toward helping make it happen.


          People are what they think about most of the time.


          The time has come for you to stop waiting. You have the innate capability to manifest your own greatness.


          Be thankful for what you have, and this will make it easier to get more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, then chances are that in the end, nothing at all will be enough.


          Man has the power to change his thoughts into reality, and man can create dreams which will come true.


          Think of the smallest thing you can do to make a change in your life. Be bold, be inventive, be powerful & use what you have at hand to make something happen. Start now!


          Your visions and your dreams should be cherished because they are the underlying reasons for achieving that which you desire.


          Paying attention to your vision and learning from your dreams helps you advance on the things that matter to you.


          Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind will one day become a reality.


          Every thought is a seed. Flowers we sow in our subconscious soil.

          • People who focus a lot on what they don’t want will see it continuously.


            People who focus a lot on what they don’t want will see it alternatively.


            You can find opportunity within any second because through this time, you are able to change the way you feel.


            • You can always find a way to turn everything around, no matter how bleak it seems. This is because your feelings can change in an instant and you can have control over that.


              If you radiate positive thoughts, feelings, and words into your life, then that’s what you’ll attract to yourself.


              If you try to be happy and positive in life, then that’s what you’ll get in return.


              You have the power to create your thoughts, and once you perfect those -they will go on to manifest a strong intent- which in turn manifests your life.


              Visualizing is the great secret of success, everyone does it even if they do not realize.


              It’s easy to set goals and make plans, but it’s also important to take steps towards achieving those goals. You can’t simply plan or dream your way to success, you’ll need to believe in the possibility of success as well.


              Envision your future and create your dreams. See it, feel it, and believe in the result you want to get.


              Visualize what you want to accomplish in the future and work hard to bring it to life. Let your mind be free of doubts. See the end result before you; believe in it wholeheartedly, and go for it!

To conclude, I’d just like to advise you of some ways that you can improve your life by taking advantage of the importance of manifesting.

1) Do not let your joy depend on someone else’s approval. You need to carry on living the best way that you can.
2) Don’t berate yourself for your problems. Stop chastising yourself for your problems.
3) Keep focused on the good you already have. Our actions tend to reflect our vision.

Did you find the affirmations above to be useful? What are your favorites? 

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