It is often said that you are what you think. In this hectic world, it’s hard to find the time to be mindful of your thoughts. There are a few ways to reduce stress and bring more happiness into your life, while also being mindful of your thoughts. One way is with affirmations – a short phrase or sentence you repeat on a daily basis.

The ancient Greeks believed that vibrations are the fundamental building blocks of the world. They thought that all things were made up of atoms that consisted of vibrating strings. Their theory was obviously wrong, but it might not be too much of a stretch to say that our minds are governed by vibrations – specifically, affirmations.

If we’re constantly telling ourselves what we can’t do or how difficult something is, then we’re blocking out anything positive and negating any good possibilities.

With that said, please recite and enjoy these 50 affirmations for raising your vibration at any point during the day.

    • I am  open to new friendships.

      Every day brings with it the opportunity of success and achievement. 

      I attract only the best of life and I have lovely people in my surroundings.

    • I am tuned in to the spirit of success.

      My imperfections are okay with me.

      I  experience constant happiness.

      My wealth is abundant.

      I must ensure to be healthier every day.

      I attract abundance each day.

      My imagination takes me to the highest of heights within and is manifested in my physical reality.

      My life is full of abundance because I have unlimited resources.

      To get rid of painful feelings, I replace them with new empowering thoughts.

      I am motivated by high expectations.

      • One of my life mottos is happiness and gratitude.

        My actions are empowering me.

        Achieving health, wealth and enthusiasm is not difficult for me.

        I never stop trying to achieve my dreams.

        I am fortunate enough to have all that I need for a great day today.

        I am truly engulfed in positivity and enthusiasm.

        Courageous people face their fears. I am a courageous person because I can act and find courage in my challenging moments.

        My immediate outer world is a reflection of the energies I generate and push forth.

        Creating an amazing world is something I can do for myself.

        I’m growing mentally and physically stronger everyday.

        I am stronger than all of the opposition I face on a regular basis.

        I know that failures are an essential part of success. I use what I’ve learned to turn negative results into something more positive.

        Looking within, I see how lucky I am to have opportunities.

        I am on the correct course to abundance.

        I am thankful to be able to live and take chances.

        I achieve all of my desires by getting in touch with the deepest parts of myself.

        • I am able to improve myself infinitely.

          I am in charge of planning out my perfect life.

          I am more enthusiastic than ever before to achieve real wellness because each passing day will be healthier and happier for me.

          I prioritize health and healing. 

          My ambition and enthusiasm is inescapable.

          My thoughts force my day to unfold to me with amazing rewards.

          I anticipate success, so I should have it.

          Endless abundance has an innate power to attract magnet-hearted people like me.

          I am elated to be aware of the privileges I have.

          My intuition is good, so everything goes right when I listen to it.

          • I like to see lots of happy people.

            When I change my thinking from negative to positive, my feelings follow and amazing experiences are at hand.

            I have a magnetic personality and I am energetic.

            • My body is a reflection of my inner life and I treat it with respect.

              I awake to greet a new dawn.

              I allow myself to be healed by forgiving the people who have hurt me.

              I feel grateful to have been given so much from those around me.

              I am satisfied with what I have.

              I will always strive to be happy because I know it’s worth the struggle.

              I take joy in everything I have, and this constitutes my wealth.

              The anticipation for joy fills my heart.

In conclusion, these affirmations to raise your vibration are powerful, you can use them as often as you want to. If you resonate with this article, make sure to share it on social media and subscribe to stay updated on my best content.

It is recommended to recite these affirmations as often as possible to gradually raise your vibration. This way, you will be able to experience more pleasure in all facets of life.

Do you find the affirmations above inspiring? Do you know of any others that are great for inducing feelings of joy and raising vibrations? Please let me know in the comments.

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