What is an Abundant Life?

Sometimes, we can’t fully appreciate the blessings that come to us. It’s only when we take a step back and see how full our life is that we can understand what it truly means to live an abundant life.

 The law of attraction says that our thoughts have the power to shape the world around us. By thinking positively and focusing on what we want rather than what we don’t want, we can bring our deepest desires into the world. 

We all want to lead an abundant life – a life filled with everything we need and everything we want. But what does abundance mean? The dictionary defines it as “plenty or more than enough; an ample supply.” When you don’t have enough of something, you feel ”lack” and often have negative thoughts about your future. But when you have plenty of things, you are fulfilled.

The concept of abundance is not just related to money or materialistic goods, but is also about health, relationships, and happiness. Achieving an abundant life doesn’t just happen by chance, it takes work on your part to manifest your dreams into reality.

With regards to the law of attraction, you must think thoughts that correspond with what you want in order to attract it into your life. The more you focus on these thoughts, the more likely they will become a reality. 

Here are 5 tips and tricks to live a more abundant life you can start today:

1) Be Grateful

The abundance of life can be seen in the form of money, love, and happiness. Appreciating the abundance in our lives is a sure way to manifest more of it. Do you know how you can be grateful for what you already have?

Simply take note, like writing in a journal.  Start today and write down 5-10 things you like and appreciate about your life right now.  One of those things can be as small as being grateful that you have the means to receive this very information.

We must always aim to be grateful for what we have, and not try to change what we don’t have. We should not just be thankful for what we have at that moment but also take a moment to appreciate all the good things that happened in our lives before today.  The law of attraction has a large following because its simple premise is that whatever we put out into the universe will come back tenfold.

2) Focus on What You Have, Not What You Don't Have

In the spirit of abundance, we should focus on what we have and not what we don’t have.  This is because the Law of Attraction focuses on where your attention goes. The things that you focus on, or put your attention to, will eventually manifest into your life.

It is easy to get caught up in what we do not have in life. We could be thinking about how we are too poor, too unhappy or how other people are constantly getting more than us. But this should not be a habit because it will just bring more negative thoughts and feelings into our lives. 

As a result, we might just get the things that we did not want because of our negative thinking or feelings. The best thing to do is focus on what we have instead of what we don’t have because that will bring more abundance and happiness into our lives.

There is no need to worry about the things you cannot do. If you focus on what you can do, and what you can control, it will make all the difference.

3) Practice Visual Meditation Everyday

Visual meditation is a practice that uses the power of the mind to create what we want in life. It’s the perfect tool for manifestation as it doesn’t rely on any other person or outside sources. We can use this technique to visualize our desires and make them come true.   This technique has been practiced for centuries and has been found to be very powerful.

Practicing this technique on a daily basis brings immense benefits, including mental clarity, emotional stability, physical health, happiness and contentment. It also helps in self-awareness and self-expression. 

It can be done anywhere – on the bus, waiting at an airport or sitting in front of your computer. It takes less than five minutes per day and has real benefits for your wellbeing.  It is an effective way to clear your mind and shake off the stresses of everyday life.  

Visual Meditation Steps:

1. Decide what you want to manifest and be specific.

2. Write out your intention as an affirmation with present tense, positive and personal.

3. Create a vision board with images that represent your desired outcome and put it somewhere you’ll see it daily or near where you work so the idea becomes ingrained in our subconscious mind.

4. Create a plan on how to achieve your goals and stick to it with fierce discipline, even if the plan seems hard at first.

5) Start today and repeat this process everyday.

4) Lighten Up and Laugh More

You should know that living abundantly has a lot to do with having a sense of humor.  Living an abundant life means living your best life, while also finding joy in each day.

Laughter is an amazing tool for living abundantly because it takes the focus off of what might be stressing you out in your life and helps put it into perspective by making you think about other things. It also helps build relationships with friends and family members because laughter is contagious!

It is a powerful and contagious phenomena. It creates a sense of closeness and bonding with other people. When we laugh, we release endorphins which can be calming and reduce pain. Laughter also boosts the immune system and improves breathing. Other proven benefits include lowering blood pressure and improving sleep quality!

Laughter has also become a popular form of therapy that is now being used in hospitals, schools and nursing homes. Every day, people are discovering the benefits of laughing as a form of mental and physical therapy.  Have you laughed today?

5) Try New Things

Successful people have a lot in common. One of those things is that they tried new things and, as a result, their life changed for the better.

Trying new things is not only an idea from the scientific theory of “abundant life” but it can also be seen as a law of attraction tactic. It’s been said that the way to attract good things into your life is by visualizing what you want to happen and then taking action on those thoughts. 

One way to take action is to try something different, like taking a class or going on a date with someone new.  Try a new food, take a trip somewhere you have never been before, or do something that makes you uncomfortable for no reason at all. These are all great ways to make you feel good about yourself, and they are things that the average person doesn’t do.  

The next time you feel down, try doing something out of your comfort zone. The fear of the unknown can sometimes cause us to stay in our comfort zone which is not good for us or our mental health. Doing something that makes you uncomfortable for no reason at all not only makes you feel accomplished, but also pits you against your own fear.  

When you stick with the tactics above and employ them intelligently, the chances of you becoming successful, as well as to actually living abundantly will certainly be considerably higher than they might have been otherwise.  Genuinely, you will be amazed at what can happen when you take these steps.

I am not guaranteeing that you will become wealthy overnight.  All I am saying is that if you follow the advice listed above on a regular basis, it will increase your chances of becoming prosperous significantly.  

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